County Council looks to improve air quality around schools in Carmarthenshire

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Pollution Team continues to work with local schools to raise awareness of air quality across Carmarthenshire.

Following the successful launch of air quality projects around four Carmarthenshire schools in September 2023, the Council’s Pollution team has continued to work with local schools, raising awareness and educating pupils on the importance of air quality. This includes the installation of air quality monitors and information sessions with pupils.

The sessions raised awareness of the negative impact that poor air quality can have on health as well as illustrating how small behaviours can bring about a positive change. These key messages have also been incorporated into the curriculum by the schools involved.

Air quality monitors were installed outside Ysgol Llandeilo, Ysgol Teilo Sant in Llandeilo, Ysgol Ffwrnes in Llanelli and Ysgol Parc Waun Dew in Carmarthen to provide real time data on pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and particles. The monitors also help to determine any improvements to air quality over a period of time.

Jonathan Morgan, Head of Housing and Public Protection said: “Although our monitoring data shows that Carmarthenshire meets all current UK air quality objectives for Nitrogen Dioxide, it is important that we strive to improve air quality wherever possible.”

“This project has helped to raise awareness of the importance of air quality with our younger residents, who have been excellent at also raising these important issues at home.”

“We would also encourage anyone picking up children from our schools to think of how small changes can make a difference to air quality including turning off engines while waiting, parking further away or walking to school.”

For more information on air quality projects in Carmarthenshire please e-mail


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