Welsh Lib Dems call for action on health inequalities amongst women in Wales

This week in the Senedd, the Welsh Liberal Democrats have highlighted threats facing the healthy life expectancy of women in Wales’ poorest communities.

According to the Office of National Statistics, health life expectancy at birth in Wales has steadily decreased since 2011. With the average woman in Wales now expecting to have only 60 years of good health.

Data from 2022 shows that women in the most deprived areas of Wales have a healthy life expectancy around 20 years lower than women in the most affluent areas.

The Welsh Lib Dems have called on the Welsh Government to do more to tackle healthcare inequalities stemming from poverty.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds said:

“Women in our poorest communities can expect to live more than a third of their entire lives with an activity-limiting illness or disability.

We cannot have a situation in the 21st century, where we have a class of haves and another class of have nots.

No woman should have to face a lifetime of illness just because of the area in which they were born.

By taking steps to tackle poverty, we can at the same time reduce health inequalities throughout Wales. Thereby ensuring that everyone is able to lead healthy and prosperous lives regardless of their backgrounds.”

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