Indie News Week: Supporting Independent Journalism

Indie News Week is upon us. From today, June 3rd to Sunday, June 9th, we’re excited to open our doors to the public and offer a unique behind-the-scenes look at the world of independent journalism.

Throughout the week, visitors will have the opportunity to explore all that we have on showcase including our state-of-the-art podcasting setup, with the chance to get an insider’s view of our main news processing system, and even get hands-on with the cameras, phones, and other devices we use in the field to gather news.

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But it’s not just about showing off our equipment – we’re also eager to share our passion for independent journalism and explain the importance of supporting local news providers. Our team will be on hand to answer questions, share stories, and provide insights into the challenges and rewards of independent journalism.

Whether you’re a curious member of the public, a student looking to learn more about the industry, or simply someone who wants to stay informed about what’s happening in your community, we invite you to join us for Indie News Week and discover the power of independent journalism for yourself.

“No News is Bad News”

– No News is Bad News, the slogan for Indie News Week, and a phrase that resonates deeply with our own service. As a free, independent news provider, we and many like us rely on the vital support of our subscribers, advertisers, and funders to continue our much valued work. Without your contributions, we would not be able to sustain our operations and provide the high-quality reporting that has become synonymous with our brand. That’s why your support this week is more crucial than ever.

By subscribing, advertising, or donating to our cause, you’ll be helping us to continue our efforts in promoting free and independent press, a cornerstone of democracy that is essential for a well-informed and engaged society. Your backing will enable us to maintain our editorial independence, ensure the continued employment of our dedicated journalists, and invest in the latest technologies and equipment to stay ahead of the curve. So, please join us in this critical effort to preserve the integrity of independent journalism and help us continue to bring you the news that matters most.

If you would like to join us during our in-person showcase or to make a donation to the fundraiser, get in touch.


Tel: 07377211646


Please donate here: Support Carmarthenshire News Online Thank you for supporting independent journalism and contributing to the future of local news in Carmarthenshire. Carmarthenshire News Online has been dedicated to providing unbiased and trustworthy news, free from commercial or political influence. By donating as little as £1, you can help ensure the continuation of this important source of information for the community. Your contribution will have a significant impact on the sustainability of independent journalism. If you're looking to enhance your brand's visibility, we also offer advertising opportunities on our Livestream and podcasts. Our special offers provide excellent value for reaching our engaged audience. To learn more about these opportunities and to discuss your advertising needs, please feel free to call or text us at 07308598604. Thank you again for your support, and together we can ensure the availability of quality local news for Carmarthenshire and beyond.

Please donate here: Support Carmarthenshire News Online

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