Welsh Lib Dems call for more trains on the Heart of Wales line

The Welsh Liberal Democrats have called on the Welsh Government to tackle unreliable train services on the Heart of Wales line.

Welsh Lib Dem leader Jane Dodds MS has called on the Welsh Labour Government to do more to revitalise the aging fleet of trains currently running on the line, with many being refurbished engines dating from the 1980’s.

The Welsh Lib Dem leader also criticised a decision by TFW to reduce the number of trains on the line from five to four per day, stating that it could have a “devastating” impact on rural communities.

A recent Freedom of Information request has revealed that there were 2,317 train breakdowns reported in 2023, with over 2,000 services being cancelled as a result of train failure.

The total amount of refunds given out to customers as a result of a delayed train in the past calendar year came to £2,314,714.

Commenting, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats Jane Dodds MS said:

“I am very disappointed to hear that the number of trains running on the Heart of Wales line will be reduced to only four per day.

This line serves as a vital link for most of mid Wales, and any decision to limit services could have a devastating impact on our already isolated rural communities.

Our transport system is not up to standards, and it is our hardworking commuters who are being left to deal with the consequences of years of neglect.

Last year alone there were over 2,000 services cancelled as a result of a train breaking down, this is not acceptable, and the people of Wales deserve better.

They deserve a transport system that works for them, not one which relies on trains far past their sell-by date.

On the 4th of July, voters across Wales will have the chance to show Welsh Labour that they will not accept their nonsense for much longer.”

Commenting, the Welsh Liberal Democrat Candidate for Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe David Chadwick said:

“For far too long now the needs of our rural communities have been cast aside by both the Conservatives Westminster and Labour Cardiff Bay.

The decision to slash the number of trains running on the Heart of Wales line, a vital transport link for many in mid Wales, is further evidence of this rural neglect and risks trapping our communities in a cycle of decline.

We as Welsh Liberal Democrats have always stood by our rural communities, and if elected I will carry on this proud tradition.”

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